Rutan Q1 Quickie

Thanks for downloading my rendition of the Rutan Quickie for FSX.

Installation is accomplished by placing the 'Quickie' folder in the SimObjects/Airplanes folder, and placing the included font file where ever the stock fonts live for your OS. I use WinXP, and my fonts are found in the root Windows folder...Windows/Fonts.


To toggle the pilot in / out of the plane click on the engine controls housing.
The original Quickie used an 18hp Onan generator engine. My version was modeled after a real one using a two-stroke 50 hp Rotax. There is no internal oil system, so there are no gauges for oil pressure or oil temperature.
The high idle RPM is based on what I found researching the Rotax 503 specs.
The prop rotates in the opposite direction, which is correct for this engine.
The flight model is somewhat close. Canard configurations are not really modeled well in FS, and I decided not to spend a huge amount of time trying to get the stall characteristics correct.
The prop does NOT use the 'traditional' blur texture. In real life you would see it as I modeled it. If you don't like that I am sorry...but I have sat behind spinning props for many hours. I know what they look like :)


By installing these files you are assuming any & all risk of damage to your machine caused by the installation of them. I am not responsible for any real or perceived damage to your computer by these files.
These files may not be used for profit in any way by you unless you have contacted me first and obtained written permission.

Many thanks to Micheal Flahault for allowing me to pillage his MiniMax config & air files to use as a start for the Quickie flight dynamics, and to Bill Ortis & William Odamo for testing the beastie!

I hope that you enjoy flying the Quickie! If you have any questions or comments please contact

Robert Kerr (aka N2056 in the forum world)